OUR HISTORY | #midwayno2

Midway B.C. #2 Church History

98 Years and counting………..


As given on the first Corner Stone, the Midway Baptist Church, was organized in 1889 by the late Rev. G.W. Brown. The name however, did not carry the No. 2. The No. 2 was added in 1922 to prevent confusion with another body. The church was located on the T & P Railroad a short distance from Mansfield road, west, on a street named Midway, after which the church was named.

Rev. Square Sims was chosen as Pastor in 1922 and in April, the believers moved to the newly opened all Negro community, Canaan Land, where services were held beneath a Brush Harbor (tree) on Marion Street. The First Revival was held with 22 persons being baptized. Later on in the same year the first building was erected. A Deacon Board, Sunday school, Home Mission Society and Choir was organized with Bro. C.D. Whitmeyer as pianist. Pastor Sims resigned June 1, 1930 and moved to Los Angeles, California.

In December, 1930 Rev. Walter J. Jones became Pastor and under his leadership the Benevolent Society was formed. The church note was cancelled in 1937 and a new edifice was built in 1939. A Cornerstone was laid in 1947 and organized by him were a Deaconess Board, Usher Board, Mother’s Union, BTU, Junior Matron, Senior Mission, Senior Choir, Gospel Chorus and Poor Saints’ Fund. Rev. Jones served until his death in September, 1958. The chair and portrait of Pastor Jones was unveiled in a special service December 7, 1958.

On January, 2, 1959, the church assembled to call a pastor. The Rev. M.B. Bass of Mansfield, LA was called. He answered the call to be the Pastor on January 4. On Sunday, April 25, 1960, the church bade Canaan Land farewell and marched to its present location, 1535 Myrtle Street. Under his administration many accomplishments were added: Air Conditioning, Auxiliaries, Groups added and revised as follows: Matron, Circles, YWA, Junior Usher Board, Junior Choir, Inspirational Chorus, Organist, Brotherhood, Boy Scouts, Trustee Board, Board of Christian Education, Day Care Center, that operates 5 days a week with nine employees, youth director, corresponding secretary, typist, church campus hard topped, cyclone fence, Leadership school, bus for church transportation, planned reception for new members, yearly calendar, annual and monthly bulletins, Mid-Summer Revival, Loyalty Drive, consisting of 7 days of services, Vacation Bible School, Guest Registrar committee, P.A. system and an annual budget. Pastor Bass served Midway No. 2 for 36 faithful years. He retired March 6, 1995.

The Rev. Jerome Lang, Sr. was called to Pastor March 3, 1996 and served Midway No. 2 for 2 years. He resigned as Pastor March 29, 1998.

After years of praying and searching Rev. James J. Smith was called as Pastor, July 18, 1999. Using his philosophy “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13. Pastor Smith continues to lead the Midway No. 2 family in the way the Lord directs. His preparation and deliverance of sermons, wedding performances, couple and grief counseling, leadership skills throughout the church, personnel, finances and facilitating all church meetings all provide guidance and direction in all that the church should go as God leads. He is still Pastor of Midway No. 2 and will continue to do the Lords will in and under His direction.


6811 Woolworth Rd. - Shreveport, LA 71129

PHONE: 318-670-3967
EMAIL: Midwaybc.2church@gmail.com

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